So basically giving stuff away for free inclines people to advertising for you via word of mouth "Related to these findings on motivation and incomplete contracts, it has also been shown that when prices are mentioned, people apply market norms, but when prices are not mentioned i.e., the price […]
World's smallest FM radio transmitter
With a graphene amplifier and a graphene transmitter, wow, how small a walkie-talkie can you make?
Google wins book scanning landmark
Scanning the books is fair use. Hooray! Information wants to be free, and Google just helped it get more free. Google Gets Total Victory Over Authors Guild: Book Scanning Is Fair Use
On the idea that ethics in science is a better way to drive profit
There is a thoughtful quote at the end of this story which makes a good lead-in to the article: ...this relatively desultory reputation is the result of the public’s rejection of the proposition that pharmaceutical and biotech firms care about patients and strive to develop innovative new medicines. […]
The Grand Unified Theory On The Economics Of Free
Well here we are again, with Clearhat 2.0. Let's start this new release with a bang, right out of the gate: The Grand Unified Theory On The Economics Of Free Enjoying the importance of zero and infinity in […]