It's good to see Charles Moore is still going strong. He's a clever, clever, and only slightly odd man. Programming a 144-computer Chip to Minimize Power. […]
It's good to see Charles Moore is still going strong. He's a clever, clever, and only slightly odd man. Programming a 144-computer Chip to Minimize Power. […]
Occam's Razor says that defying gravity should not need to be so complicated, and you can see it defying inertia if you watch it closely near the beginning and end and about 60-72 percent of the way in. What fascinates me is how complicated a movement, involving at least 3 bodies, is operating at […]
More than just an intrusive molecule that foils communication, HIF-1 normally switches on when the body is deprived of oxygen. Otherwise, it remains silent. via A new -- and reversible -- cause of aging: A naturally produced compound rewinds aspects of age-related demise in mice.
Well this is just remarkably clever. http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/12/new-attack-steals-e-mail-decryption-keys-by-capturing-computer-sounds/
Lawsuit claims accidental Google search led to years of government investigation and harassment - Techdirt.com Actually, not funny. Likely quite serious, you gotta give a little creative license to people who've obviously been through a lot. I originally posted this back a few years ago when I was […]