Really didn't expect this. Apparently this medication derived from an herb, known since ancient days to help with diabetes symptoms, has an effect which improves quality and quantity of life. Pretty safe, too, minimal side effects for most people. A Google search of this life-extending aspect of […]
On the 'why' of things not just the 'how' of things
We do love when our own internal thought processes get confirmed by others. Aside from the shared joy of discovery, it tends to validate other related ideas which haven't been put into words yet. So I'm happy to see this idea coming from someone with Russell's reputation. I had made the observation […]
Parableizer Engine coming together
When I was first thinking about artificial intelligence years ago, I came up with this idea I called Parableizer Engine. Lately I'm starting to see the first elements of this idea being implemented. What is relational reasoning? It’s a form of thinking that makes use of logic to connect and […]
Language alters our experience of time
Not only does this article talk about one of my favorite subjects, the Aymara language, and how it is different from other languages, but it's loaded with gems like this: But Spanish-Swedish bilinguals are flexible. When prompted with the Swedish word for duration (tid), they estimated time using […]
Comparing Asterisk vs FreeSWITCH: a Meta-analysis
Overall, the two systems are roughly equal, both are well supported and both are well documented for the needs of anyone with basic PBX needs. For most purposes, either way you go, you're going to be fine. However, most likely, if you're asking "Asterisk or FreeSWITCH" you have little […]
Hebrew vs. Greek Thought
So we've been looking at binary vs ternary, intuitive vs logical, now here's Hebrew vs Greek thought: Hebrew and Greek are two totally different ways of seeing things. Greek is more abstract, linear. Hebrew is more intimate, concrete. Several distinct […]
How can I install Perl CPAN locally as a non-root user?
Every now and then we encounter a Stack Overflow answer that cuts through hours of searching and aborted attempts at fixes with a few lines of elegance. Here's one I just deployed, figured I would point others to it as well in case Google brings you here... The easiest method I have found so far is […]
The three logical systems of Lesniewski
This guy was a student of Lukasiewicz, who famously established ternary (and then later, multivalued) logic as an alternative to the binary which prevailed since Aristotle's time. I didn't know about the three logical systems here, though, and they bear further study: The distinctive and original […]
Clifford Algebra combines geometry and algebra intuitively

I always just assumed the link between algebra and geometry was pretty solid, but actually it's two different worlds, similar to Poincare's distinction between logical and intuitive that I've discussed elsewhere (and so has Terence Tao). So it's nice to find that someone found an elegant synthesis […]
note to self on trivalence topic
This blog talks about trivalence with several posts I want to read more and maybe respond to someday when I have a little time to spare. Looking at Kratzer’s lumping problem, or the ill fit of the material conditional with natural language, I get the impression that logic is in its infancy. […]