Woke up early this morning and in the world between worlds where some of the best insights come into view, I discovered one of the greater epiphanies of my decades-long study of ternary logic, infinity, zero, and world peace. I was striding through the fields of pure light and clarity -- the miracle […]
On learning how to see ternary logic with ternary eyes instead of binary

It required several years of studying ternary logic -- which at that time I still called trinary -- before I began to glimpse a realization that the way we understand ternary is with a profoundly binary lens. In those early glimpses, I began to understand that even the people who discovered ternary […]
On discovering my thoughts have a hint of Informational Structural Realism in them
Well this is interesting. After I wrote the post talking about a way of perceiving that was beyond quantum, I discover that there is in my thoughts plenty of similarity with an existing idea called "Informational Structural Realism." The original article by Luciano Floridi is […]
For informational ontology instead of against digital ontology?
We must be careful that we do not mistake artifacts of the tools we use to investigate ontology with the ontology itself. For example, we all understand now how the Ptolemaic model of the universe was us projecting our egos outward on Nature and inventing epicycles to explain things so that we […]
The nine worlds of which this is one

I experienced eight different worlds one morning, one right after another. The overall circumstance in which this happened was strikingly similar to what is found in the dream-layers of the movie "Inception," but this was several layers deeper and took place long before the movie came out. […]
False is always composed of partial truths
I long imagined that the essential flaw of binary logic lay in its foundation axiomsdefinition which exclude middles by asserting everything is EITHER true OR false with no inbetween. (This results in paradoxes which are considered to be unimportant by most people when compared with the overall […]
Apparently you can't convert base2 to base3 without an intermediary
I assume this is relevant to the ongoing quest to fully understand ternary logic, its strengths and limitations, but do not yet know what to do with it. So here it is: You can't convert a base2 number to a base3 number without loading it into an integer. The reason is that 2 and 3 are coprime - they […]
Consider an acorn, inside of which there somehow resides an entire oak tree

To keep things interesting, I occasionally start thought experiments on the relationship between finite and infinite from within the singularity, in a sense transporting my mind into infinity and "looking back" upon the finite experience rather than the way we usually do -- from within our […]
"Causality is in the mind"
I started transcribing a video because Dr. David Hawkins was talking about quantum mechanics in a way very similar to what I've been researching -- and he's spot on -- but then he took it in a completely different direction than I expected. This transcript is from the end of the first video linked […]
Insight into the pattern of primes and a weakness of excluded middle logic
(Huh, this post was definitely written while still in ephiphanic mode. Have fun parsing it. I added strikethroughs where appropriate to make it hopefully a little more sensible. I've since explored some of these ideas more coherently elsewhere.) Primes cancel out everything following which is […]