Originally written in fits and starts from 2015-2019 In unexperienced infancy Many a sweet mistake doth lie: Mistake though false, intending true; A seeming somewhat more than view; That doth instruct the mind In things that lie behind, And many secrets to us show Which afterwards we come to know. […]
Shallow Christians don't admire Reinhold Niebuhr
I confess I had no idea what Reinhold Niebuhr's position was until I was puzzled by the following citation where Obama describes him as one of his favorite philosophers during an interview with David Brooks (it might help to know this was pre-president Obama, back when he was the idealist who hadn't […]
When Dividing the Singularity You Risk Dividing Forever

The Primordial Singularity is clearly very large, for it encompasses our universe, which is very large -- currently unmeasurably so. Yet it has the nature of perfect, instantaneous communication: when something happens on one "end" of its immensity, the information is communicated […]
Ternary entropy?
Need to think about this one for a while, I think the author is onto something, but I need to understand entropy a little better before I can assess this: When we're working with binary states entropy isn't a 1 or a 0. Its definition is instead related to the amount of information we can hold versus […]
Let's stop banging photons into things in order to measure them
The guy offscreen arguing with the professor in the last couple minutes of the video is making a point I've contemplated many times. I'll paraphrase: "The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is not a statement about the intrinsic nature of quantum mechanical things (as it is commonly presented), […]