If you're new to Asterisk, you can spend many hours and even days figuring out how things work before you get something working. And then as soon as you have it working, you'll get slammed by hackers trying to break in. I recently spent those hours and days getting asterisk working. So I have […]
Getting Fail2ban and VoipBL working with Asterisk on Ubuntu 18.04
The information on installing and configuring Asterisk, fail2ban, and VoipBL is all over the map. It is hilariously not easy to find what actually works. Way more confusing typos and important pieces left out on numerous sites, like there is some sort of conspiracy to make it difficult to install […]
A fix for apt install asterisk on Ubuntu 18.04
After using "apt install asterisk" on Ubuntu 18.04.2, I noticed when running "service asterisk status" that there was a problem with the radius radcli configuration. It looked like this: radcli: rc_read_config: rc_read_config: can't open /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf: No […]
An inside-out way of thinking about math
This peculiar thought experiment captures the first time I've been able to completely flip the idea of counting, with a rather original approach. Other attempts have been more high-level, with fewer details, and couldn't be pursued very far. But this time I got to the bottom. Please be patient with […]