ShellInABox is a tidy little app that works well, but when you configure it to connect via SSH directly instead of using its internal shell, it throws up a couple minor errors when logging in: command-line line 0: unsupported option "rhostsrsaauthentication" command-line line 0: […]
Upon glimpsing the unicorn of Riemann's missing one half while awakening

I just now, minutes ago, was drifting between awake and asleep. slowly becoming aware of the lightly falling rain outside, while also in a half-dream state, contemplating random mathematical ideas, when I caught a glimpse of the 1/2 which completes the sphere of infinity. I have glimpsed it […]
Installing ShellInABox on Debian, Ubuntu, Devuan, etc and configuring for white-on-black GUI
You can install shellinabox with your Debian-flavored package manager with a single command: sudo apt install shellinabox White text on black screen The default setting is a white screen with black text. You can right-click to switch it, but if you're like me you'll want to set it to black screen […]
Configure one-time-password (a.k.a. 2FA or MFA) in Apache using mod_authn_otp and FreeOTP

I did this on a Devuan system, which is basically Ubuntu without systemd. This not a well-known distro, so your mileage may vary, but I think it will all work as described on vanilla Ubuntu or similar Debian-based flavors. At the end of this article is a list of URLs I used while putting this all […]
Configure one-time-password (a.k.a. 2FA or MFA) in SSH using libpam-oath and FreeOTP

I did this on a Devuan system, which is basically Ubuntu without systemd. This not a well-known distro, so your mileage may vary, but I think it will all work as described on vanilla Ubuntu or similar Debian-based flavors. At the end of this article is a list of URLs I used while putting this all […]
In which I realize my life now is a fractal of a beautiful idea from 24 years ago

The following quote brings a compelling moment of perception into clear view. Dinah is keen that I not misquote her by writing something as sentimental and clichéd as "being at one with the universe." So she describes a process in which there was a "dissolution of the self" and a […]
Installing Mx Linux or Ubuntu, Debian, etc. on MacBook Air

I was oddly not able to find quick hits on this topic when I searched, so I finally just tried it, and it worked so easily I was quite surprised. As a long-time attempter-of-things-so-new-that-they-often-fail, I remember when it was a hassle to install Linux on Mac. For years it was frustrating. I […]
How many fragments of infinity does it take to make one complete infinity?
A fragment of infinity happens when we count "one, two, three, four," or any sequential series of numbers, and conclude it by saying "and so forth, unto infinity." Note, this not infinity, it is only a fragment of it, which represents it. We symbolize this repeated iteration with […]
Accessing OPNSense Web UI running within Proxmox on the WAN interface by disabling reply-to

After I migrated from pfSense to OPNSense for my firewall embedded within a Proxmox lab, I was stumped for two days looking for this obscure setting. It was a problem right out of the box: After I got the interfaces configured and assigned static IPs for the two network interfaces, I tried and tried […]