
Thinking about a rare opposite of Schadenfreude which is neither Freudefreude nor Mudita but Schadenmitgefühl

Schadenfreude: it's not just for humans

The wild headline is intentional because the audience for this article will most likely arrive here by search engines, as people are trying to find "the opposite of schadenfreude," but not the obvious opposite. Of these visitors only a few will appreciate this little word adventure here,  […]

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Allow the Deep to Speak

This article is going to be stored in a database with a record ID of 281, which is a prime number, as soon as I click "Save." At the moment that I write these introductory words, it exists in an aether of nowhere. Neither here nor there. It has no record ID. It is thus a virtual weblog  […]

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What to do when Roundcube says: Decryption failed: Key password required, and: Could not decrypt this message

Roundcube error: Decryption failed: Key password required.

Roundcube is great. Easy to get up and running, but it surprises me that I couldn't find the following solution online, so I'm making a post here. When you receive an email (say, from a public key generator) that is encrypted by your own PRIVATE key and you haven't fully configured encryption, it  […]

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