Coding and Techy Stuff

Diving in to React JS

After circling around it for weeks, looking at every other option I could find, I finally decided that ReactJS has what I want to carry me forward for the next few projects, possibly years if it goes as well as I think. I fell in love with JSX the moment I saw it, we shoulda been using that long  […]

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Installing FreedomBox inside VirtualBox on a Windows Virtual Machine with a dedicated IP

Normally when installing FreedomBox inside VirtualBox, you can use Bridged Mode and get on with things, but you can't use bridged mode when installing a VirtualBox image running on a VM with a dedicated IP address. This is because bridged mode requires DHCP which you don't have in this scenario. You  […]

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How to Fix SQL Server Error 10055

Since it's actually an OS issue more than a DB issue, this solution works for more than just MySQL which is mentioned in the article linked below. This fix is the only one that worked for me using SQL SERVER after trying everything else. So I figured I'd put this out there for others to find:  […]

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Google is less concerned with how awesome you appear, than how awesome you actually are

Insightful article about going beneath the surface layer to understand people. Google attracts enough talent that it can afford to look beyond the obvious factors in hiring. For example: "leadership — in particular emergent leadership as opposed to traditional leadership. Traditional leadership  […]

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