what we discovered was great originality comes from being quick to start but slow to finish. That when you dive right into a task, you close yourself off to incubation. If you finish early, you're stuck only with your most conventional ideas, your first ones. You never have time to think outside […]
Ordinary and Personal Whatevers
This "Ordinary and Personal Whatevers" category is for ordinary and personal whatevers that don't fit into the other more amazing and impersonal categories.
Articles: The Quiet Revolution: How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party
http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/08/the_quiet_revolution_how_the_new_left_took_over_the_democratic_party_.html Gramsci argued that communists’ route to taking power in developed, industrialized societies such as Europe and the United States would be best achieved through a “long march […]
It's simple. If we can't change our economic system, our number's up
Monbiot "buries the lede" in this story, but it's a good one from this point forward: The Ecuadorean government decided to allow oil drilling in the heart of the Yasuni national park. It had made an offer to other governments: if they gave it half the value of the oil in that part of the […]
Walking away
My father taught me well how to walk away from what I love. I have since learned that this is not the best use of the skill of walking away. I am now learning how to walk away from what I hate. I believe it is a much more sustainable use of this difficult skill.