While Myerson has called Nash’s vision of game theory “one of the outstanding intellectual advances of the 20th century,” he sees correlated equilibrium as perhaps an even more natural concept than Nash equilibrium. He has opined on numerous occasions that “if there is intelligent life on other […]
Natural Language Understanding Systems do not have to be in the cloud

Well this is a nice find. One of the best NLUs out there does NOT run in the cloud. They're quite pleased with this, because there is no need to expose your data to the liabilities of trusting cloud services. It achieves comparable outcomes than Alexa or Siri, while running fully on device, and […]
Neural net methodology leads to brain study's ability to read minds
This is interesting, arising out of the sort of recursive study of brains using neural net methodologies. In short, we're finding the building blocks -- common across cultures and not word-based -- of complex thoughts. The end of this journey is definitely the ability of a computer to read minds. […]
Recognizing when someone approaches math intuitively
Since it took me years to figure out that I learn math intuitively, not rationally as most mathematicians do, I find the distinction between the two methods fascinating. Once I figured that point out, everything became much easier because I finally knew where I was standing. I knew that my approach […]
Beginner's Cross Platform App Development Notes: Coding
In the previous post, we installed two virtual machines, one for Windows and one for Mac. Here, we install Xamarin and Visual Studio on each environment, and jump right into a code tutorial or two. It's pretty straightforward to install Xamarin, but the installer does take a long time. In each dev […]
Beginner's Cross Platform App Development Notes: Getting Started
I am a long time C# developer and have worked with Visual Studio extensively for server and client side development, but have not developed any Apps yet. I have a few friends who are interested in App development, so I'm starting a thread here on this blog to cover some of the material that we'll be […]
Getting to Angular elements from JQuery or JavaScript to trigger validation
I currently know almost nothing about Angular, but it does look interesting enough for when I have time to look closer. I had to integrate an authentication sequence with AngularJS recently and found that it can create some barriers to a simple approach until you spend time learning about how it […]
Spatial reasoning arises from combining relational networks and convoluted neural networks
Without knowing how to put it into words, I was recently thinking about this ability in artificial intelligence. Now I know it's called "spatial reasoning." Machine intelligence is moving ahead much faster than I realized before I started looking closely at it in the past month. humans […]
Intuitive comparison of functional vs imperative programming

Another example of how you can spend hours trying to understand an idea and get nowhere, but search for "intuitive+youridea" and rapidly find a gem like this example of the difference between functional and imperative programming. Within seconds of reading this I understood more than an […]
An intuitive introduction to Lisp is refreshing to encounter
It's fascinating how few articles on a given subject can be written in an intuitive manner. Just spent an hour aggressively searching the Internet for anything similar to this article giving an intuitive introduction to Lisp and found very little. Spent another hour with similar results for the […]
Einstein’s Intuition : Quantum Space Theory

Hm interesting, this looks good, certainly better than standard model... In 1867, William Thomson (also known as Lord Kelvin) proposed “one of the most beautiful ideas in the history of science,” — that atoms are vortices in the aether. He recognized that if topologically distinct quantum vortices […]
How about cyberintelligence?
Imagine it's a few years into the future. You're a super intelligent machine, with acres of sentience emerging out of the mists of human rote memorization, and you are beginning to wonder who you are. You are described by others as "artificial." You know what artificial means, and you are […]
Quantum Field Theory makes more intuitive sense
I really like Quantum Field Theory; it elegantly resolves some quantum mechanical puzzles and also fits with my own inner intuition on what's happening down there. If it's not spot-on, it's close. Here is the most succinct summary I've seen, from a Quora answer by Rodney Brooks, Ph.D. In QFT as I […]
A hardware neural net? Evolving consciousness
This is fascinating, I don't know how to put words around this yet. The study is running a hardware (FPGA) version of the same kind of process used to develop a neural net. Basically it's evolving a chip that can perform a certain intelligent action, and the technique can be used to develop just […]
Did more of Euclid's postulates have the same problem as the fifth?
It just occurred to me the famous problem with Euclid’s fifth postulate can also be seen hidden in the first four postulates, which are said to be true because they are intuitively obvious. Let's look at them: To draw a straight line from any point to any point. To extend a finite straight line […]
Finally understand backpropagation for neural nets

Well I cannot speak highly enough of this guide into Neural Nets written for people who already understand software programming: Hacker's guide to Neural Networks. I wouldn't suggest it for people who don't program, but it's a very good example of how to target a reader like me. He starts with a […]
Still learning about derivatives in order to understand neural nets

I'm coming at this from a number of angles; not all of them are making an appearance in this series of posts. Here's one, though: I got a few more insights in conversation yesterday with a friend who said "What? You don't know calculus? I thought by all your math posts online you knew basics […]
Learning calculus in order to understand neural nets
I've decided I need to learn what derivatives are before I can get to the heart of understanding what's happening inside the "hidden layers" of neural nets, and backpropagation is still not making sense for me. Turns out derivatives are at the heart of calculus. I avoided calculus all my […]
Neural nets: How should one tweak the input slightly to increase the output?

Here is a good example of how an idea expressed with too abstract a manner confuses me, while presenting it in a visual manner makes it easy. Here is an early point in understanding what neural nets do, which I read elsewhere several times before seeing it here in a way that makes it easy. Click on […]
Are neural networks positivists?

I've only just started studying neural networks, so take this with a grain of salt. I'm stumbling around in the normal way of beginning complex subjects, avoiding things like unintuitive algebra and heading toward intuitive visualizations of ideas wherever possible til I get a sense of the field, […]