There are many concrete examples of network neutrality violations around the world. These network neutrality violations include ISPs blocking websites and applications, ISPs discriminating in favor of some applications and against others, and ISPs charging arbitrary tolls on technology companies. […]
Goldman Sachs Steals Open Source, Jails Coder
The whole article is fascinating for any software engineer to read, as it is obvious to any developer familiar with how open source software operates that this man was entirely innocent. And yet... the only Goldman Sachs employee arrested by the FBI in the aftermath of a financial crisis Goldman had […]
ThinVNC - HTML5 Remote Desktop
This is one of the coolest applications I've met in a long time. It's a single executable. Download it, double-click it, assign yourself a username/password, click 'start server.' Then from any modern browser in the world, you can go to the correct IP address and view the desktop, mouse control […]
Bogon Routes Report -
Apparently there is such a thing as a bogon and it is regularly reported upon.
Genave - DTMF Explained

While the engineers were designing this protocol, they decided to throw in a few more “special purpose” tone groups. You don’t normally see these extra four buttons on telephones, but they are alive and being employed for communications signaling. For lack of imagination, the engineers called the […]
144 computers on a single chip

It's good to see Charles Moore is still going strong. He's a clever, clever, and only slightly odd man. Programming a 144-computer Chip to Minimize Power. […]
Defying gravity should not need to be so complicated

Occam's Razor says that defying gravity should not need to be so complicated, and you can see it defying inertia if you watch it closely near the beginning and end and about 60-72 percent of the way in. What fascinates me is how complicated a movement, involving at least 3 bodies, is operating at […]
Aging is related to oxygen levels
More than just an intrusive molecule that foils communication, HIF-1 normally switches on when the body is deprived of oxygen. Otherwise, it remains silent. via A new -- and reversible -- cause of aging: A naturally produced compound rewinds aspects of age-related demise in mice.
It's actually possible to acquire decryption keys by capturing computer sounds
Well this is just remarkably clever.
The funniest thing I have read in years. Good clean humor here.
Lawsuit claims accidental Google search led to years of government investigation and harassment - Actually, not funny. Likely quite serious, you gotta give a little creative license to people who've obviously been through a lot. I originally posted this back a few years ago when I was […]
How small is zero price - zero.pdf
So basically giving stuff away for free inclines people to advertising for you via word of mouth "Related to these findings on motivation and incomplete contracts, it has also been shown that when prices are mentioned, people apply market norms, but when prices are not mentioned i.e., the price […]
World's smallest FM radio transmitter
With a graphene amplifier and a graphene transmitter, wow, how small a walkie-talkie can you make?
Google wins book scanning landmark
Scanning the books is fair use. Hooray! Information wants to be free, and Google just helped it get more free. Google Gets Total Victory Over Authors Guild: Book Scanning Is Fair Use
On the idea that ethics in science is a better way to drive profit
There is a thoughtful quote at the end of this story which makes a good lead-in to the article: ...this relatively desultory reputation is the result of the public’s rejection of the proposition that pharmaceutical and biotech firms care about patients and strive to develop innovative new medicines. […]
The Grand Unified Theory On The Economics Of Free
Well here we are again, with Clearhat 2.0. Let's start this new release with a bang, right out of the gate: The Grand Unified Theory On The Economics Of Free Enjoying the importance of zero and infinity in […]
The origins of Brother Jonathan

During the Revolutionary War, George Washington was sometimes at the mercy of desperation: he was unable to gather men and supplies he needed. At such times he would say "We must consult Brother Jonathan," whereupon he contacted his friend Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, the only […]
To love truth more than beauty
This was originally posted at the date and time in the byline, but on my Facebook account. Later, I ported it along with a few other snippets here to my WordPress journal, as my purposes with social media shifted more inward. WordPress thankfully allows back-dating a post, so here it is. It's still […]