I just wrote the following in a footnote about how to argue that ternary logic is more fundamental than binary: The "Law of Excluded Middle" is equal in strength to the assertion that there is "true" and "false." This means there are three elements required for binary […]
On why to use "trivulet" instead of "trit" to describe computing with the fundamental ternary logic element
In the ongoing labor to develop an internally-coherent way of perceiving ternary logic -- and its most famous derivative, binary logic -- I have come to an understanding of how ternary logic is the proper logic of the continuum; not of particles, division, or separation. Particles, division, and […]
Upon realizing the Riemann Sphere theory I'm working on is gaining traction independently of me
In a brand new article published yesterday on Medium, Kasper Müller writes about The Riemann Sphere: A world where you can divide by zero in a manner which weaves in some insights that have been the endpoints of several private thought experiments. So as I'm reading the article, not only do I […]
Rene Girard's love seeks to save Nietzsche from himself
This essay René Girard: The Last Nietzschean brings tears to my eyes while reading, not so much for the content, but because of a private hypothesis I developed while independently thinking about René Girard and Nietzsche. This essay explores that relationship in enough detail to confirm the theory. […]
Praying the prayer of Batter My Heart, Beloved
The first John Donne poem I ever read, about a month ago, brought tears to my eyes and made me breathe differently. I fell in love immediately. I sent the poem as a text message to my dearest friends, several of whom hadn't heard from me in months until receiving the random Donne. One response was […]
Somewheres about 10,000 hours into solving the Riemann Hypothesis, one encounters Dante's lion, wolf, and leopard

Introduction I'm not good at basic math. I struggle with many things which any decent mathematician aces early. For example, a few elements of calculus still remain over my head, although I have climbed the slopes of that mountain several times. Linear algebra is only just starting to make sense to […]
Most hilarious math paper I've yet read (on p-adics)

I've known about the rather curious set of p-adic numbers for years, even before they started getting famous with perfectiod spaces, but I never knew there were some of the wildest insights into mathematics buried within their "weird" way of thinking. I put weird in quotes here because […]
The Eye of Revelation is The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth

I recently stumbled on a gem of a book called The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth. As I skimmed through it, I found it to be a rather unique book, and wanted to know more about how it came to be. Chances are you found this weblog post because you're researching it like I was. Its origins […]
Migrated to a better blog engine; alas, some URLS might break
I migrated to a new blog engine, DotClear instead of OctoberCMS. This resolves the issues I kept encountering with comments being broken. People can now leave comments again, and they won't get lost in the ether. However, in fixing one issue, I've turned up another, which is that some very old URLs […]
Upon realizing I independently discovered _another_ new theory in mathematics

A few months ago, I found that one of the more beautiful ideas I had been developing alone for several years had already been discovered by other mathematicians, who had published rigorous papers on the idea. While my own insights were not yet rigorous, they were developed well enough that I quickly […]
On the English Kabbalah, and why Mathematics is better than Kabbalah

first written March 2000; updated 2022 "I just had one of the most rewarding meditations in my life this morning. The letter 'C' opened up for me." My father was driving late one evening, and I was riding. I looked at him. The lines of his face reminded me of Leonardo da Vinci, whose […]
A few OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tools to quickly check your network vulnerabilities
External Network Asset Discovery and Vulnerability Scans This is a list of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tools which will quickly give you an awareness of your cybersecurity risk profile. I put this list together when someone said they were quoted $40,000 for security analysis, and wondered if […]
Fix Error: "Job for bitnami.service failed because the control process exited with error code."
cedar@nowhere:/opt/bitnami$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart Restarting services.. Job for bitnami.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status bitnami.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. cedar@nowhere:/opt/bitnami$ sudo […]
Fix Error: "If it is running, make sure you are pointing to the right pid file (/var/run/gonit.pid)"
cedar@nowhere:~$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh status Cannot find any running daemon to contact. If it is running, make sure you are pointing to the right pid file (/var/run/gonit.pid) cedar@nowhere:~$ cd /opt/bitnami cedar@nowhere:/opt/bitnami$ ls apache bncert-tool bndiagnostic-tool […]
That day when it was clear the amazing Jipidy-Jay was a lot like Ramanujan
I've been training a GPT-J instance to write a cybersecurity blog post, using blog posts I wrote over the past year to help it understand the idea. After a lot of back-and-forth, I got the GPT-J (The Amazing Jipidy-Jay) to write the following: [Title]: Qwerty, 'The' World's Largest Ransomware […]
Upon realizing I independently discovered a new theory in mathematics

(Note: The two spherical illustrations from this weblog post are taken from a post which I wrote last year; compare with this illustration for Wheel Theory from Wikipedia) It's true that the original discovery by others goes back to 1999, and the first serious paper on this new branch of mathematics […]
Wittgenstein's future triumph over the positivists will be glorious

I just confirmed a hunch using Wikipedia in the manner where it excels: providing well-known facts which are not controversial. My hunch was that logical positivism traces directly back to the deep insight Wittgenstein introduced as the concluding statement of his Logico-Tractatus, where he makes a […]
On VirtualBox HP MFP printer installer fails at 99% complete

What worked for me to resolve this issue was to ensure that USB was set to 2.0. It all worked as expected as soon as I went in to Settings for the VirtualBox and selected the following (Use USB 2.0): […]
A certain kind of psychological phenomenon that involves thought distortions around authority and legitimacy
I found a fascinating article on a weblog from 2016, and eventually wrote a comment on the post. However, it's been six years, and the author has moved on to other weblogs, so my comment sits in her moderation queue, where it may sit forever. So I'm posting it here. The weblog post in question is […]
The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth is The Eye of Revelation

I recently stumbled on a gem of a book called The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth. As I skimmed through it, I found it to be a rather unique book, and wanted to know more about how it came to be. Chances are you found this weblog post because you're researching it like I was. Its origins […]