I have been working out the details of the ternary nature of the "will to meaning" which was originally developed within Viktor Frankl's logotherapy, which I believe to be related to Wittgenstein's ideas on language. On a related note, I believe that Schopenhauer's insight into "will […]
Chomsky confirms an element of a developing theory on the ontology of mathematics
As you can see by this third post of the day on the same topic, I'm rather enjoying this interview: Noam Chomsky on Jung, Wittgenstein, and Gödel (Ask Me Anything), and this time I'm not nitpicking his answers, but I find him confirming a hunch I developed as a component of a larger theory on the […]
Another non-answer from Chomsky, this time on the hard problem of consciousness
I'm still digging this interview with Noam Chomsky, Noam Chomsky on Jung, Wittgenstein, and Gödel (Ask Me Anything), but this post is similar to another I made earlier today, wherein he gives a complete non-answer to a question for which I really think his answer would be particularly insightful. […]
Why is Noam Chomsky stumped by the idea of evolution for memes?
In this video, Noam Chomsky on Jung, Wittgenstein, and Gödel (Ask Me Anything), Chomsky receives a question where he either completely misses the point of the question, or is simply not informed on Daniel Dennett's idea that memes evolve in a manner which is similar to the way genes evolve (one […]
What happens when anti-robot becomes anti-human?
On Friday, I was at work participating in a demo before an audience of a half-dozen decision makers. It's such an important demo that this was the dry-run for the demo, where we're taking notes to prepare for the Big Demo next week. I participate in demos regularly, so I'm familiar with all the […]
Premature Optimization is The Root of All Evil -- and Why This Is
Yes, I agree that Premature Optimization is the Root of All Evil, at least within the programming paradigm where this concept arises, and likely true in a much broader concept also. If you're a developer, and you think about it (just stumbled on this idea here, your search engine will give you more […]
Good old fashioned thick scroll bars in PopOS and probably also Ubuntu
It should be easier to change your scrollbar back from the ridiculous default, where it disappears into a tiny vertical slice that only reappears when you hover over the thin vertical slice (!) which is such bad UI design, it's probably intentional. Normal people have clamored for years to get rid […]
On time travel, its impossibility and... its inevitability
Einstein said time is an illusion; funny, because he also merged time and space together to create timespace for his early theories. Was he confused? Not really, just contemplating concepts that had gotten more clear over time. Time is not an illusion "because the past and future are happening […]
How to fix: A numeric comparison was attempted on "$(_TargetFrameworkVersionWithoutV)" that evaluates to "" instead of a number, in condition "('$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' != '.NETCoreApp'
This came up while trying to load a disassembled project that was then reassembled with dnSpy, but you may find it for other reasons. If you encounter this error: C:\Users\Me\source\repos\MyRecompiledProject.Web\MyRecompiledProject.Web.csproj : error : A numeric comparison was attempted on […]
Why I personally loathe working with Microsoft Windows
My computer just crashed itself, according to Microsoft policy, right while I was working on it. I'm up at 1:00 a.m. working on a project with a complex enough work environment that it takes an hour just to get the work environment fully functional. I have over two dozen tabs open in my browser, I'm […]
Moving from binary to ternary is harder than from ternary to binary
Taking the Shortcut by W. H. Norton Moving from binary logic to ternary logic is harder than from ternary to binary. Today I suddenly realized this, and was delighted because it solves one of the deeper "why" questions on the prevalence of binary logic, which is everywhere, in everything […]
Gandi catchall email addresses, only 676 items this time
I was pleased to find this blog entry with a handy list of all the shortcut aliases you'd ever need for gandi's webmail approach. It also has a nice explanation of the issue, but as I will never use an email starting with a number, I was able to half the list. Here it is, 676 items, which is 26x26, […]
Chroot sftp-only SSH user into home folder safely in Ubuntu
This seemingly-useful link on askubuntu did not work as I wanted, and neither did a few other similar sites. Trying to make it easy for the end user took longer than the 5 minutes I had available, so I'm posting the correct way to do it here for future use. The key missing ingredient was provided in […]
The legend of the unicorn started with the rhinocerous
Long ago I was puzzled at references to unicorns in the Bible, and after thinking about it for a while, decided that the descriptions that accompanied unicorns -- a massive, powerful creature that was shaped like a bull and associated with the tribe of Ephraim -- made more sense applied to the […]
Pterodactyl "logged out due to Outdated server" with Nukkit
You tried to connect to your own Nukkit server running on Pteradactyl. However, it failed quickly and you got this message: "logged out due to Outdated server." You look in the logs for more information, and that's all the logs show, also: "logged out due to Outdated server." So […]
The Ordinary Guy
I originally wrote this for a particular person to read, but in a style which looked like it was for everyone. He is from an older generation who prefers to teach rather than to listen. We have known each other for decades. I know from long experience that if I wrote to him directly, as I do in most […]
All fractions are one fraction
I call my weblog "Rough Drafts" even though some of the entries are fairly well polished, published after weeks or even months of careful writing and editing before release. But in other entries, I write wild stream-of-consciousness gagompoofery like this. This one is so rough it's right […]
Got the Black Screen within Gnome in a new FreeBSD on VirtualBox?
I found a fix for that here. I wrote about it here: Configuration for FreeBSD inside VirtualBox with Gnome3, sudo, nano, and bash, including avoiding the black screen Here's the TL;DR answer in a screenshot: […]
Configuration for FreeBSD inside VirtualBox with Gnome3, sudo, nano, and bash, including avoiding the black screen
Coming into FreeBSD anew from the Linux world. I'm happy with it as a server, no changes needed. I like the much-more-secure ambiance. But now experimenting with it as a desktop, I've already decided I like sudo, bash, and nano better than su, sh, and ee. And I want Gnome. At this point, I've […]
Infinity is the backside of zero; they are the same thing
Got it. Been working on this one for a while, I've seen it in glimpses over the years, but it just fell into place. Infinity is the backside of zero. Just like a quarter has a heads and a tails, this thing I've been calling "the origin" for a long time has a heads and a tails. This idea is […]