In a series of meditations on the nature of infinity while in the process of developing a larger concept of a new kind of mathematical infinity -- a super-infinity which contains all possible infinities in an intuitively-coherent way -- I have been bumping into the relationship between time and […]
In the "Sense of an Ending" is a sense of equilibrium
Reading D.G. Leahy's writing is to me an experience that feels like reading Isaiah. It is obviously densely packed with meaning, but so inscrutable, it's like reading hieroglyphs must have been before the Rosetta Stone was found -- glimpses of meaning percolate up through the text in iridiscent […]
Perambulating the moon should be a playful thing
Getting to the moon will happen in stages. The new contract just awarded to SpaceX is for the most critical stage, which has 3 steps: 1. Dropping out of moon orbit to land on the moon, 2. exploring the moon for a week, 3. departing from the moon. The contract is for one test flight with no one […]
The origin of synarché and why it is an infinity greater than all infinities
The word infinite is from the Latin roots for "un-limited" or another way to say it: "without-end." Structurally, this word is similar to Greek a-perion, Hebrew ein-sof, Chinese tai-ji, and many others, all referring to the same underlying concept: that which is so great it is […]
The Point of Grace
I subscribe to a number of techy innovation-rich groups via social media, and every now and then a real gem of the genre comes scrolling past on my newsfeed. A few days ago, social media linked me to a curious article recently posted on Vice Motherboard. I have no interest in astral travel, but the […]
On the rather curious "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process" and its long-lost page 25
Consider the following sentence without any context, except that it was written in 1983: "Then I found it necessary to delve into various sources for information concerning quantum mechanics in order to be able to describe the nature and functioning of human consciousness." Think about it […]
Mathematical infinity at the beginning instead of at the ends
The following is a "thinking-out-loud" kind of thought experiment which sort of went off the rails... and then got righted again. The simplicity of emptiness We accept the simplicity of emptiness as a reliable foundation upon which to establish all of mathematics without question. The […]
Imagining the Riemann Sphere rotated for new insights
This article is related, and a little similar, to another recent article. While researching, I was simultaneously reading through both a Wikipedia entry and a Better Explained discussion on a subject I know fairly well (Imaginary Numbers). The articles were saying the same things from different […]
How to set default opening folder for Nautilus file manager
There are several answers given to this question at What worked for me was the simplest of them, and what I did was one step simpler than what was given. So here's what works for me using PopOs 20 (which is just Ubuntu 20 with some elegant UI, drivers, and useability improvements). […]
If i² = -1, what's happening inside i² to get it to -1?
[I wrote the following while I was learning about how the imaginary realm works. It looks like I didn't yet understand how i is a rotation, and was still thinking of it as a vertical-only movement. So it's a lot of kerfuffle about nothing, but I'm keeping here as a reference point on the journey to […]
The famous Expert comedy sketch illustrates the scapegoat mechanism in play
If you have not already seen the famous 'Expert' comedy sketch, you're in for a treat. It's had 26 million views so far, so maybe you already know it. The sketch illustrates in a very funny way how badly an expert can be treated by a team of non-experts who all depend on his expert knowledge, but […]
A binary mindset is actually a single-minded sort of thing
How binary looks like a unity It occurred to me the other day that one of the obstacles preventing people from understanding how binary logic penetrates into every aspect of their lives, and how this pervasiveness causes all kinds of problems they cannot see -- just like fish cannot "see" […]
Yes, hyperbolic geometry does describe the inside of a sphere
I tried for years to get a clear intuitive image for the inside of a sphere, as clear as I already have for the outside of a sphere. It's really hard! I've even been inside a large spherical room (there's a church in Boston with one), and of course, as we all do, I can easily imagine being inside of […]
Nginx fails while installing iRedMail (solution)
If you get this error while running the iRedMail install script: [FAIL] Starting nginx: nginx failed! invoke-rc.d: initscript nginx, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing package nginx-full (--configure): installed nginx-full package post-installation script subprocess returned […]
Local sovereignty ontologically precedes infinities of counting
Before you can understand the physics of mathematical infinity properly you will need to understand the role of local sovereignty in the act of counting. The fundamental structure of infinity is not defined by layers and layers of division-of-divisions which grow larger in quantity but smaller in […]
An "infinite number of infinitely transparent absolute actualities"
I was going to call this "Monotonic monads of infinitely superimposed zeros: Inquiries into categorical atomism at the foundation of mathematics" but I think I'll wait a moment before giving this a public title, and go with this working draft, which auto-save calls it "draft […]
The Categorical Moral Imperative of the Dunning-Kruger Effect
The imperative is as plain as day, once you see it. And ironically well-hidden from those who consider themselves smart. I finally found a way to convey an elusive degree of intelligence which is primarily compassionate, an idea which I long contemplated, but could never put into words as well as I […]
Another way of seeing is embedded in how you see now
A story I once heard, but a quick search didn't turn up details, so if others have more information, let me know in the comments: Somewhere in the 70s there was a drive to develop software for Air Traffic Controllers to use. The first iteration of the software was an abysmal failure. The second […]
Initial Meditation on the Point of Humility Required to Envision D. G. Leahy's Cube Like No Other
At the time this is written, the mathematics and logic of D. G. Leahy are less well known than his philosophical and theological work. Yet it may be the mathematics for which he is remembered longest. For Leahy has discovered a mathematical structure of primordial dimension, a layer of math beneath […]
On the central home for humility within genius
I first encountered reference to Schopenhauer in "Love Can Open Prison Doors" by Starr Daily, which is a truly remarkable story, short enough you can get through it in a day or two. This slim volume provides the best insight into the mechanics of love I have yet encountered. Daily was a […]