Initial Meditation on the Point of Humility Required to Envision D. G. Leahy's Cube Like No Other

At the time this is written, the mathematics and logic of D. G. Leahy are less well known than his philosophical and theological work. Yet it may be the mathematics for which he is remembered longest. For Leahy has discovered a mathematical structure of primordial dimension, a layer of math beneath  […]

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Reads article about a rogue process

Reads article about a rogue process in Windows related to Microsoft Store. Reads enough of the article to recognize it's a component he never uses, so can be safely disabled. Opens command prompt, uses it to invoke regedit to edit registry to disable the subprocess that is most suspicious, leaving  […]

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First qutrit teleportation! Complex high-dimensional quantum states go from zero to infinity in one nanosecond

I knew there was a link between pure logic and the real world, and I knew it was through a window we call infinity, but I had no idea that physical "teleportation" of quantum states would be where ternary logic touches the physical world. The first qutrit had a single digit beyond normal  […]

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Getting data into Twilio parsed variable

It took several attempts, but I eventually found out why I could not access the value of a "parsed" variable within Twilio Studio while using the HTTP Widget. Someone else may encounter this error, so here's how I resolved it. The following 3 attempts are screenshots from the log viewer  […]

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The Greek subject lives in the excluded middle of binary logic

Well, well, well. I am delighted to find yet another piece of private intuition has a respectable home already existing in the public domain. I've been working on this insight for years, but not able to put it into words well enough to relay it to others coherently. Much to my delight, I find that  […]

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"I want an agency that makes sure no important thing remains undone because it doesn’t fit somebody's mission"

Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy said: "I want an agency that makes sure no important thing remains undone because it doesn’t fit somebody's mission." And so IARPA was created. IARPA / DARPA was involved in creating Babel and Kaldi, among other things of course. Now I'm learning Kaldi.  […]

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