Installing FreedomBox inside VirtualBox on a Windows Virtual Machine with a dedicated IP

Normally when installing FreedomBox inside VirtualBox, you can use Bridged Mode and get on with things, but you can't use bridged mode when installing a VirtualBox image running on a VM with a dedicated IP address. This is because bridged mode requires DHCP which you don't have in this scenario. You  […]

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God is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere

Introduction This article contains a long list of several dozen quotations centered around the theme "the infinite sphere whose center is everywhere." Many others have gathered similar lists of this quotation over the centuries. As far as I am aware this present list is the most extensive  […]

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On the Art of Approaching Math and Quantum Physics from a Child's Perspective

Originally written in fits and starts from 2015-2019 In unexperienced infancy Many a sweet mistake doth lie: Mistake though false, intending true; A seeming somewhat more than view; That doth instruct the mind In things that lie behind, And many secrets to us show Which afterwards we come to know.  […]

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Ternary entropy?

Need to think about this one for a while, I think the author is onto something, but I need to understand entropy a little better before I can assess this: When we're working with binary states entropy isn't a 1 or a 0. Its definition is instead related to the amount of information we can hold versus  […]

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Monty Hall, Erdos, and... Ego?

It took me a long time to figure out the Monty Hall problem. I was relieved to discover it also took Erdos a long time, and most others. After much stumpification, I found this thread and finally got it: The exact wording of the problem can change the answer. For example, in this version There are  […]

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On the delightful coherence and simultaneous incoherence of epiphanies

Woke up early this morning and in the world between worlds where some of the best insights come into view, I discovered one of the greater epiphanies of my decades-long study of ternary logic, infinity, zero, and world peace. I was striding through the fields of pure light and clarity -- the miracle  […]

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On learning how to see ternary logic with ternary eyes instead of binary

It required several years of studying ternary logic -- which at that time I still called trinary -- before I began to glimpse a realization that the way we understand ternary is with a profoundly binary lens. In those early glimpses, I began to understand that even the people who discovered ternary  […]

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For informational ontology instead of against digital ontology?

We must be careful that we do not mistake artifacts of the tools we use to investigate ontology with the ontology itself. For example, we all understand now how the Ptolemaic model of the universe was us projecting our egos outward on Nature and inventing epicycles to explain things so that we  […]

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